the truth about
hair loss

Men are talking about their hair every day. How it looks, how it feels. Is it too short or too long? Should you get highlights, rinse out those new gray hairs, experiment with mousse or gel? But, plenty of guys have one problem that they don’t talk about: hair loss. 💆🏽‍♂️

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1. hair loss happens to everyone

Did you know? Over 66% of men experience hair loss by age 35. It’s a much more common problem than you think. Which means there’s no reason for you to feel like you’re out of luck or out of options.

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2. what can men do?

There are treatments that can help you increase the volume and the health of your hair. You can prevent the breakdown of hair follicles as you age, which will help you keep what you’ve got and can prevent more hair loss.

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3. invest in personal wellness

hims is a personal wellness resource that can help solve your hair loss problems. The complete kit provides affordable, science-backed treatments, that can help you keep your hair.

Prevention is the key to solving a lot of problems. Make yourself your top priority and learn more about what you can do to help keep your hair.

Redeem your hair offer! Get the first month of our Complete Hair Kit for just $5.

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prevention is more effective than denial.

classic signs of balding: your hair is acting differently, you’re finding hair everywhere, and you see your head getting bigger.